To trees (systems) within the city.
Written by DR. ALEX L. SHIGO (Tree Biologist) for the professional.
The Author-Alex L. Shigo was born in Duquesne, Pennsylvania on May 8, 1930.
He received his BS in Biology from Waynesburg College in 1956 and his MS
and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from West Virginia University in 1958 and 1959,
respectively. From 1959 to 1985 he was employed by the US Forest Service
as chief scientist -and Project Leader of a Pioneering Project on Discoloration
and Decay in Forest Trees. He has dissected over 15,000 trees with a chainsaw.
He has studied trees in many countries. His research yielded 270 publications
and he has received many honors and awards. He believes that we must help
trees by helping the people who work with trees by providing sound educational
programs based on research.
1. A Professional Understands Dose
5. Troubles in the Rhizosphere
6. Arboriculture in the 21st Century
8. The Science of Tree Cultivation and the Science Behind the Treatments
9. Tree Education and Philosophy
10. Armillaria Root Rots, Predisposition and Poor Sorauer.
12. Canker Rots and the Heart Rot Myth
14. Tree Chemicals that Kill
or Cure
15. Comics
Educational Material by SHIGO AND TREES, ASSOCIATES
Please report Web Page problems to John A. Keslick, Jr.