Here are some pictures of color-altered wood (also known as discolored wood), altered as a result of a wound or an injury. True heartwood gets its color from an aging process and not a wound. You can have color altered wood within heartwood as a result of a wound or an injury after heartwood has formed in heartwood forming trees. It would be the first to decay. Color altered / Discolored wood is a PROTECTION WOOD. The wood has been altered to a higher level of protection.
The only way we will understand many of the unique features of trees is by doing
dissections in a longitudinal plane (Mulberry). Mulberry is a heartwood forming tree. You can see
its width is consistent with a very thin strip of sapwood. This is not seen when trees are examined only in
the cross section. If you look close you can see the color altered wood
associated with the wound at the bottom inside of the samples. This wood
is mostly static mass.
A Maple Tree Dissected in the
Longitudinal Plane
(Discolored wood / Color altered wood)
(SHIGO AND LARSON, 1969 pg 18-19)
An Box elder tree dissection (KESLICK AND SON)
An Oak with color altered wood within true heartwood (Cross section)
A cross section of Red Maple with color altered wood
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