Pioneer Microorganisms -
Pioneer microorganisms are those that can survive on the wound surface against
others, digest or alter the protection chemicals produced by the tree after
wounding, and then spread into the tree while keeping other organisms from
taking their place for as long as possible. In some ways, you have to feel
sorry for the pioneers! They must be tough! Micros that can fruit in confined
places are some of the most aggressive pioneers.
In other words. Pioneer microorganisms are those microorganisms that
can survive, not only on the wound surface, but against all the others looking
for something to digest (An energy source and space). They must have enzymes
that can digest or alter the chemicals produced by the tree after wounding.
And then at the same time spread while keeping the other organisms off their
back, in a sense.
We often forget a pump must start and some organisms must start the
processes also. This term “pioneers” set the stage for successions, which set
the stage for compartmentalization, which set the stage for getting Dr. Shigo
all bloody, because they said “he was not a scientist because he studied
contaminants”. These pioneers are not contaminants. Think about it. Read
about it in New Tree Biology. It’s written over and over again. Think about
it ok, please.
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Keslick & Son Modern Arboriculture
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