Research  - A lion in a cage and a lion in the field are two different things.  Science is the systematic recording of information that is considered true on the basis of research.  Science is a process, a recording process, a highly ordered or systematized recording process of information about natural phenomena that is thought to be true.  Science is the recording of natural truths. 
    Research is the pursuit of truth using the experimental method that includes controls.  Research is not complete until the results are published in a peer reviewed international journal.  The pursuit for truth starts when observations yield results that repeat.  Next a hypothesis is formed based on the observations.  Experiments are then designed to test the hypothesis in ways that set out more to disprove than to prove it.  If the hypothesis can remain sound after repeated experiments, then there is evidence that the hypothesis or parts of it may be true. Great care must be taken not to design short-term experiments for long -term processes!  This is a common failing of many tree experiments.  Another common failing is the use of seedlings or young trees in search of information about mature trees. 
     Research focuses on collections.  Development focuses on connections.  We need both.  The greater the collection of ideas, measurements, facts, parts, and other items, the greater the chances are for connections that serve a specific need.  Children often play the dot game.  Numbered dots are connected until some recognized thing "jumps" out of the maze of dots.  The game gets boring as children get older because they no longer need to connect all the numbered dots to perceive the connected image.  As some people look at the dots, they can see the picture without going through the tedium of connecting the numbered dots.  This dot game is not so different from similar "games" played long into adulthood.  Some people must connect every dot before they can "see" an image.  Others can see an image without connecting the dots, or by connecting only a few.  Indeed, looking and seeing are two different things.  Be a collector.  But, also, be a connector.  Learn to see, fast.  It takes practice.  When you go on a potential client's property, connect dots.  See things, fast.

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