Science -
What + How = Science. Who and Why = Religion.
Science is learning to see things. Science is a highly ordered collecting and
connecting process. It is called often-systematized knowledge. Science seeks
to record what we think we know about life, the world, and the universe.
Science is an orderly process of collecting, connecting and recording
information about natural systems. Science is understanding. Science is
mind. Science is the systematic recording of information that is considered
true on the basis of research. Science is a process, a recording process, a
highly ordered or systematized recording process of information about natural
phenomena that is thought to be true. Science is the recording of natural
truths. Research is the pursuit of
truth using the experimental method that includes controls. Research is not
complete until the results are published in a peer reviewed international
journal. The pursuit for truth starts when observations yield results that
repeat. Next a hypothesis is formed based on the observations. Experiments
are then designed to test the hypothesis in ways that set out more to disprove
than to prove it. If the hypothesis can remain sound after repeated
experiments, then there is evidence that the hypothesis or parts of it may be
true. Great care must be taken not to design short-term experiments for long
-term processes! This is a common failing of many tree experiments. Another
common failing is the use of seedlings or young trees in search of information
about mature trees.
In other words.
Science is a systematic, or orderly, process of collecting and
connecting information considered to be true or correct on the basis of
experimentation, or of repeated observations.
In other words. Wow, science is a word people often use but never really
define it. We won’t go into the negative, let us start with the positive.
Science is a process. Well, what kind of a process? It’s a process of
collecting and connecting. What are you collecting and connecting?
Information. What’s the nature of the information. It’s considered to be true
or correct. How so? On the basis of experimentation or the information
repeats or can be repeated with very little energy coming in. What kind of a
process is it? It’s a systematic collecting process. It’s a highly ordered
process. So these are the key words for science. It’s a process. It’s a
collecting process - information primarily. And we connect the information.
Think about it, ok, next time you hear these words. Ask somebody very
carefully, because as we said before, you will separate friends from not so
friendly when you ask them to “Please, Sir or Maim, what do you mean by this
word”?. And if they start with “well”, then you know they don’t know. Ok,
then quickly get off of it or they may get nasty. Think about it yourself.
Please think.
Some additional words. Click here
(See SHIGO, 2002 - CD's)
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Keslick & Son Modern Arboriculture
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