Wound Dressing - It is the wound dressing idea more than the material that is dangerous. Microorganisms have their picnics and parties under wound dressings. The wound dressing myth will never die. The sad thing is that the myth is being taught by people who are supposed to be scientists. There are no data to show that wound dressings prevent or stall decay. Heartrot and wound dressings are twins. How will we ever get to the excitement of electromagnetic fields when the same old stuff is still being taught: heartrot, wound dressings, plant food, and all types of cure-alls. If reduced decay and a healthier tree is the goal, tree anatomy should be the target. In spite of abiotic destructive forces and biotic agents such as insects, bacteria, and fungi, humans still rank as the major destructive agent for trees in forests and cities. Ignorance of tree biology is a major cause of this. Some have been convinced for many years that trees "carry" their own protective "wound dressings" in their bark. Now the same concept is being proved for human skin. A small protein called human beta-defensin-2 kills bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the yeast Candida albicans. The skin antibiotic mechanically punches holes in the bacteria and yeast cells. A similar protein antibiotic exists in the human urogenital tract. My point. Once you learn just a little bit about biology and chemistry, you can read, understand, and enjoy the many journals now available to all. (TREE PITHY POINTS, SHIGO, 1999)."
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